Join the fight against human trafficking

22 million children go missing every year.

160+ million children are currently involved in "hazardous" work.

9,000 children are being trafficked on a daily basis in North America.

At puzzle, we believe in a world where every child has the right to a safe and secure childhood. While our main goal is to help auto dealers sell more vehicles, we are profoundly aware that there are much more important issues, such as children around the world who face grave threats every day. One of the most egregious of these threats is child trafficking.

Our Commitment
Child trafficking is a global tragedy, affecting millions of children every year. It robs them of their innocence, their families, and often, their lives. We at puzzle are committed to playing a role in ending this abominable crime.

We use our platform and reach to shed light on the issue of child trafficking, educating our users and the broader public about its causes, consequences, and ways to combat it.

puzzle has formed strategic partnerships with leading NGOs and charitable organizations that work on the ground to rescue, rehabilitate, and reintegrate victims of child trafficking.

Financial Support
A portion of our profits is regularly donated to initiatives and projects aimed at preventing child trafficking, supporting victims, and prosecuting perpetrators.

Employee Engagement
We encourage and facilitate opportunities for our team members to volunteer and contribute their skills towards organizations and projects combatting child trafficking.

Product Innovations
We are constantly exploring ways to leverage our product's capabilities to support anti-trafficking initiatives, whether it's through data analytics, technology development, or awareness campaigns.

Join Us in the Fight
Together, we can make a difference. We invite our users, partners, and the broader community to join us in this vital cause. Whether it’s by staying informed, making a donation, or volunteering your time, every bit helps in the fight against child trafficking. With the collective power of our community, we believe we can contribute to a future where no child is at risk of being trafficked.

Every child deserves a chance to piece together their dreams, just as every puzzle piece finds its place to create a beautiful picture for our clients.

Let's work together to ensure a safe and bright future for all children.